First wave :- Mantram:-1.

All this:( whatever moves in this universe, including the universe, itself moving, is   indwelt or pervaded or enveloped or clothed by the Lord: is the meaning of first line of mantram.

Well, the entire world of perceptions, feelings and ideas exist only in the Supreme Reality.

Example:- Just all kinds of waves, bubbles, froth and whirls exist only in the ocean, we cannot have a wave but in the ocean. Waves are but expressions of strength, might and power of the ocean. 

Similarly whatever names and forms are there in the universe, all of them are but expressions of glory of the Eternal Truth, in themselves they are nothing other thal the 'Spirit.' 

The world-of-matter-   acts as a veil covering our vision   the "Divinity within us" and therefore we are unable to perceive  everywhere around us, within and without.

Changes relative:- Without reference to some thing fixed, changeless, imperishable, we cannot ever recognise movement, change, or perishable, That Eternal Factor is Reality, the TRUTH.

Example:- We detect the rate of change in our moving vehicle, with reference to the relative steady trees and electric or telephone posts on the road sides.

State of change: The perishables, perishing in the world, which is itself ever-perishing! this constant change should not be allowed to veil the Lord.

Second line of mantram says: That renounced, you should enjoy, covet ( wish or desire, or greed) not anybodies( others) wealth.

That which is left to us by him, ISA ( the Lord), you enjoy,  offer unto the Lord and then, as His Prasadam, whatever you get 'enjoy it'

Renounce,"All  wealth belongs to HIM alone, the Infinite alone is the Reality. Since everything is HIS, manage it as HIS servant and live a life in the attitude of dedication and gratitude which is the way of enjoyment.

Thus through Renunciation of attachments, ego, desire, misconceptions and sensuous values, enjoy what is given by HIM, considering all belongs to HIM, never covet others wealth( desire to possess more and more, to hoard, to collect, and to aggrandise.

Where is wealth: It belongs to community and it must go back, "YOURS SHALL BE THE ENJOYMENT --OF MAKING IT, OF DISTRIBUTING IT BACK TO THE DESERVED ."          


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